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Nora's Profile

When Mayflower, found a peaceful and beautiful land of Eliyo with no help and was lost, when her old pack fled from invaders as a youth. Looking for them for miles and miles... she gave up in the end and decided to start battling on her own to get tougher and prepare to become a new pack when she met Anemone, when they met and realised their names are both after flowers, they decided to name their pack, 'flowerline'. A new pack had begun and have had 3 children, with 1 girl and 2 boys, hopefully they are planning to have more children while Mayflower hunts for food, items and toys for family and her mate protecting the babies in their nest, a new history has begun on Eliyo...

When Mayflower found Eridanus injured on the battle arena, she helped and healed her, and when Eridanus found that this zorvic has made her own pack, had inspired her in having one herself, and Mayflower noticed that when she was questioning, so much on being a pack leader. Eridanus was given an option to stay but soon found a mate and have now made her own pack called, 'starline' and has had her own son, who will one day rule over her pack, when she retires to become an elder, and her son Scorpius will be mates with one Mayflowers first female offspring Amryllis, who will become a member of the Starline pack.

Finally, when Mayflower once again saved another elon out on the battlefield, soon after made his own pack and is waiting for his own mate, who will produce offspring's... for the Galaxy line.

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Nora #1549
Level: 1
Joined: Oct 28, 2017
Online: 6 years ago
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