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StarClan's Profile

RuneClan is a clan of adventurers. RuneClan claims a large territory, and learns everything it can about it. We were the first Clan, we moved when the other Clans began to form. Now we are here.

The RuneClan Warrior's Code

1. Do not kill another unless you are in a situation where you may die.

2. The young and weak must be fed first.

3. Prey is not meant to be played with, dead or alive.

4. A kit must be 6 moons before they can be an apprentice.

5. New warriors must sit vigil somewhere in the territory the day after they become a warrior.

6. A warrior must have an apprentice before they can become the deputy.

7. The deputy becomes the leader after the past leader dies or retires.

8. The full moon is a time of silence. Unless there is an emergency, no words will be spoken.

9. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily.

10. You must defend the Clan with your life. Others depend on it.

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StarClan #2204
Level: 1
Joined: Feb 23, 2018
Online: 6 years ago
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