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As you stroll through the forest, you notice a ladder hanging from a tree. Looking up, you realize the strong-looking oak is supporting a small tree house. Curious, you climb the ladder and stand up, observing the odd house. There is a deck that goes all the way around the boxy house, with an overhand in the front creating shade. Above the house, there is another rope ladder leading into another deck. Is there a whole other house up there? Suddenly, a tall dark-haired man opens the door to the house and grins at you, looking proud and maybe a bit amused. "Like it?" he asks as a dark Zorvic hesitantly looks out at you from behind the man. "I'm Oro Zhe. That's the Elon Nest, up there. And this Ink." Ink blinks at you as a reddish Preat with black legs and a cream Nyrin with darker patches and blue crystals approach from the tree house's door. "The Preat is Fox and the Nyrin is Wysteria." He pauses. "Go ahead and look around if you want. Other than it being in a tree, there's not much that's interesting about it." He shrugs, smiles and goes back inside with the three Elons.

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OroZhe #3971
Level: 1
Joined: Feb 7, 2019
Online: 3 months ago
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