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Serenity's Profile

Irish Bisexual Witch, 30 years old, in love animals and nature ♥ I'm a creative person with many hobbies which I tend to go between quite randomly depending on my attention span at the time :happy: I suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks, fibromyalgia, asthma and a few other health conditions and due to this I am unable to work. You'd be surprised at how many people find it completely acceptable to criticize and pick my life apart for me just because I am unable to work. "It's all in your head", "You don't try hard enough" and "If you have the health and energy for hobbies you can work" are comments I hear often. I no longer feel the need to validate myself to these people but the repeated accusations become tedious. Never explain yourself to those who don't want to understand, instead take that time to give yourself some extra love. You deserve it ♥ I believe in equality and love for all, and in the words of a witch "And it harm none, do as you will." Blessed be ✪

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Serenity #8576
Level: 1
Joined: Apr 11, 2022
Online: 1 year ago
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