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News Page

See the latest game updates from our staff.

  • Happy Valentine's Day

    A couple days behind but happy Valentine's Day! The bakery now has a number of new cookies you can find including some that will only be available for a limited time so get them while you can! These will likely only be available until the end of the month so keep an eye out if you are trying to collect them.

    In addition the toy shop is stocking some limited time pink Valentine plushies which can be seen above. 

    For all those active in the two weeks enjoy a free Red Velvet cookie!

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 2/16/2019 9:16 PM
    View Comments: 4
  • Tutorial Extended - 2nd Starter Elon

    The starting tutorial has now been extended! For those who have already completed the tutorial, which will be most of you reading this, you can still continue from where you left off. 

    After picking your first elon Clayton still directs you to the battle arena, but will also tell you to return after 5 battles. He also gifts a couple potions to help out with those first battles,

    which I will be gifting to everyone active in the last few weeks so you don't miss out on these. He also tells you to return to him after the 5 battles. If you've already completed 5 battles, then you won't need to do five more, but you will need to do one more, as it only checks at the end of battle whether you have completed the 5 needed. 

    However once you do you can head over and pick a second Elon from Clayton. 

    This screen has had a slight change as you can now toggle and show the elemental detail of the elon before picking it. This will hopefully make it it a little easier to know the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen elon beforehand.

    Once you pick another elon Clayton will give you some advice to breed along with a free Yokio Herb to get you started!

    After a successful breed attempt the tutorial will clear out (for now at least) and so also be removed from the navigation. 

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 2/08/2019 4:13 PM
    View Comments: 3
  • Kickstarter Launched!

    Shows two different avatar outfits

    Update: Kickstarter Officially Started! 

    If you are enjoying the game so far, please consider supporting us tomorrow. You can help by backing the project financially (in which case you will also get some great rewards!) or sharing with your friends that might be interested!

    The above images are two avatar outfits in kickstarter edition coloring you can get through backing us financially. 

    The Kickstarter link is,

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 2/05/2019 12:03 AM
    View Comments: 11
  • Kickstarter Launching February 5th!

    Lavinth map in background with preat elon center stage

    Kickstarter is going to Launch on Tuesday February 5th. Less than 2 weeks away. Some of you may realize this is a little later than we had initially mentioned which was January 29th, however we are pushing it back a week in order to be better prepared and to better advertise that it's coming up!

    But you can view the preview page today! And see what we have planned.

    Visit our preview page:



    Other Updates Since our Last News Post

    - Updated using items from an elons profile so it saves which item you have selected. So if you select to use a Rope Toy, when you open up the menu again, the Rope Toy will still be selected. This should make it a littler easier to feed and play with your elons directly.

    - The forums have been updated to under the username there are quick links to get to their cabinet, shop, and group.

    - The Nest Quick Stock has been added to the left hand navigation

    - Account Setting has been removed from the side bar. You can find it next to your name to the right, the little gear icon instead. 

    - Meal Center has been added to the explore. You can now get free food once a day! Should be a full meal. 

    - Battling flee and backpack have been swapped around and there is now a confirmation for fleeing so it isn't as easy to acciddently do so. You may need to refresh for this to work correctly. 



    Brittany #2 Posted On: 1/25/2019 5:10 PM
    View Comments: 3
  • Bakery and Scroll Shop Opened!

    Shows many baked goods including pink preat cookie and blue nyrin cookie.

    Gertrude's Bakery and Maps and Scrolls shops have been added to the map! Gertrude has all sorts of yummy baked goods including elon themed cookies, bagels, different breads, and cakes. So stop by today and give your elon a yummy treat. 

    Maps and Scrolls a small shop run by two brother has also been added to the map. One brother, Sullivan is out right now, but will hopefully be back soon and will bring some new features with him. 

    Cornelius the other brother is a painter. He has painted some pieces of different parts of Eliyo that can be purchased and viewed. They are also a great gallery addition, and can be viewed from there as well. An example of the scroll above can be found in my gallery,


    Brittany #2 Posted On: 1/22/2019 10:50 PM
    View Comments: 3
  • 5 Markings + Preat Tail!

    Shows different elons with the 5 new markings

    Five new markings have been added to the game. Cheetah, Roan, Saddle, Collie (inverted), and Tan Points! In addition to the five markings we also have a new tail for preats. This tail is particularly rare but is findable in the wild. 

    Black preat with white inverted collie and roan.


    Good luck on your hunt!


    Daily Login Bonus

    You will now get coins just for logging into Eliyo everyday! If you login every day for 7 days in a row, you'll get an Elyte! After that the count will reset and you can get another elyte in another 7 days.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 1/18/2019 1:48 PM
    View Comments: 3
  • Down Time - Server Issues

    I know some of you experienced some down time for a couple hours (last night Eliyo time). I apologize for the interruption, the server got a little full with all the extra activity recently. However it has been upgraded now. I will also be doing some clean up later today to remove unnecessary files and add in some more routine clean up tasks to help mitigate this in the future.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 1/18/2019 8:07 AM
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  • Referral Banners

    Nyrin on the left with click to play text in white and Eliyo to the right.

    I have made up some referral banners you can use in your signature on other sites if you'd like to advertise the game. While we don't currently have a prize system in place, referrals are tracked for when one is added in the future. 

    If you use the code listed on the page the referral will work automatically but otherwise be sure to have players enter your Username or ID for it to be tracked. 

    You can find the banners on the new media page which has been added to the sidebar under other.


    IMPORTANT! Don't forgot to check the rules of the site in question before using these. Somes sites do not allow you to mention or talk about other sites at all!


    Note this is the second news post today, so don't miss the previous one where we talk about newbie packs being added and Clayton's elons being searchable.


    Brittany #2 Posted On: 1/14/2019 6:14 PM
    View Comments: 2
  • Newbie Pack and Clayton in Elon Search

    Final Reserves - Newbe Starter Pack

    When you start the game you start with your final reserves of items. You should find this in your inventory as well, but let me know if it's not there. The notifications for the items did not send out correctly but I believe all the items themselves were sent. 


    Search Clayton's Elons

    You can now search for Clayton's elon with the standard elon search option, so that should help as he tends to have a lot of elons anymore. 

    Bug Fixes

    - I also fixed a couple bugs recently including one that caused the initial defense and speed to sometimes set incorrectly on first catching a wild elon. It does correct itself on level up, but would sometimes show 'negative' stat gains which was really confusing. If the wild elon was caught before this update, you may still notice that happening.

    - Tables can now be used on forums correctly.

    - Tooltips reseting correctly on elon profile page.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 1/14/2019 4:07 PM
    View Comments: 6
  • Rune Stone and Dragon Breed Preview!

    Dragon type creature

    Some of you may have already seen this on the discord or elsewhere, but we are officially annoucing this Dragon as our next breed. He will be very limited, only available as a custom once a year! This year that will be during our Kickstarter. 

    As for catching him in the wild, he will also be very rare and hard to find and catch. These ones are a little tempermental, and they don't tame as easily as the elons we have so far. So be prepared for some work to get him to listen to really respect you.

    Rune Stones (previously called move crystals)

    Electric rune stonePlant Rune Stone

    Rune stones are finally released and being stocked at the Adventurer's Hub. So keep an eye out and you can gain one for yourself. There is at least one stone for every elemental type right now. They are fairly powerful attacks which can be learned a little earlier than a similar attack you learn naturally. 

    They are also one use items, so pick carefully who you will use it on! 

    You can use your Rune Stone from your backpack on elons in your group or directly on the elons page. 

    Status Effects

    While some status effects have been appearing already, more have been added with some attacks being added specifically for status effects. I will be added an entry to the appendix about status effects, but until then, play a little and discover for yourself! There are currently 8 released status effects right now.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 1/09/2019 10:43 PM
    View Comments: 1
  • Kickstarter to Launch Soon!

    Male and female avatar bases goes through multiple faces, hair styles, and colors

    Eliyo is launching a Kickstarter! The date is not yet official but could be as early as the end of this month!

    Eliyo is not yet the world it is meant to be, Kickstarter will help get it there. You will be able to really explore Lavinth with it's multiple districts. There will be many more npcs to interact with in various ways. Talk with them, get quests if they like you, and even battle them!

    Human avatars are one piece that this kickstarter will cover allowing you to visually represent yourself as an adventurer. Above you can see the two bases with a variety of faces, hair, and skin colors. Cloaks and staves are also commonly used by Adventurer's in Eliyo, so those can be seen as well. 

    More information is to come with visuals. But for now here is a concept sketch for Lavinth.

    Lavinth concept sketch

    Stay tuned as we plan to release more information over the next couple weeks including some previews of the town, a new elon, and new shops!

    Join our discord for even more sneak peaks!


    Brittany #2 Posted On: 1/05/2019 6:23 PM
    View Comments: 6
  • Christmas Plushies!

    Three special Christmas plushies for each species.

    Merry Christmas everyone! I was out of town for Christmas day, so a bit late, but please enjoy a random Christmas plushie for all those who have been active in the last month! A Rare Christmas Plush Surprise has been gifted which can then be opened up for one of these plushies. These plushies will be fairly limited so enjoy them while you can, might be something to store in your vault so your elons don't accidently destroy it in a play session. You can purchase more Rare Plush Surprises from Adlwin for 10 Elytes and they will be offered for a limited time, running about a month. 

    In addition to the plushies I have also released some more items for the battle arenas. There are a couple regular items such as Chives and Ginger Root. 

    Green ChivesGinger rootMorel mushroom


    And there are some rare mushrooms and stat herbs that help with training up elons increasing their training values (tv) just by consuming them!

    ClamrootGreen vine like stem with light blue berries all over itLight green stem with red flower

    Dark Blue Mushroom with white stemGreen mushroom with white stem




    Brittany #2 Posted On: 12/28/2018 10:31 PM
    View Comments: 3
  • Mahjong Solitaire Released!

    Shows image of a mahjong game

    Adlwin's doesn't just make toys for elons but has a line of games geared towards their human companions! Play his latest in the gaming corner of the Lavinth Bistro. The first to be released is a Mahjong Solitaire game complete with an Eliyo themed Mahjong set.

    You can earn up to 5000 coins a day playing Mahjong, but you can play as long as you want otherwise.

    Reminder: Making or using anything to play the game for you is NOT allowed and is a bannable offense. 

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 12/12/2018 12:52 PM
    View Comments: 3
  • Nyrin Plushies Released!

    Blue and Brown Nyrin plushies

    Adlwin has been hard at work and has finally perfected the Nyrin Plush! He has a few colors released so far added to the shop rotation with more to come! Enjoy having even more plushies to fill up your cabinet with.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 12/05/2018 6:06 PM
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  • Cabinet Display on Profile

    Plushie Emporium label with 5 different ones showing.

    Profiles have been updated removing the trinkets section that wasn't in use and adding in a new section for your

    Cabinet display. If you don't have a cabinet the section is simple not shown. Otherwise it'll pick 5 items at random to display from your Cabinet so showing them off should be easier to do. There is also a quick link to the full cabinet. 


    Brittany #2 Posted On: 12/03/2018 9:07 PM
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