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See the latest game updates from our staff.

  • Wake Up and Put to Bed

    You can now wake up your sleeping elons from their profile or put them to bed.

    Keep in mind elons that have no energy left will likely go to bed after you wake them up at the next check (only once every hour) though you are free to wake them up again. And the reverse if an elon has full energy they will go to sleep when you tell them, but will automatically wake up at the next check.

    I will be adding a sleeping battle status to battle soon, so this feature will be handy if your elons are sleeping when you get on. Sleeping elons will have the chance to wake up every turn, but won't be able to attack while sleeping.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 6/17/2016 11:43 AM
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  • Nest Elons Can Eat!

    I've made updates so that elons now properly eat out of your food bin when food is available. This will happen every night, or after you login if it's been 24 hours since you've played (and you don't select vacation mode on login).

    The food bin now displays a textual representation of how full it is with a level value out of 4 when you hover similarly to elons needs on their profile page. This will hopefully be a easier to understand than the plan textual value there before. This text and level number also scales to your current number of elons. So if you have 50 elons you'll need to add a lot more food to the bin to make it full than if you have 5.

    Roughly the values are if it's sparse (1 of 4) then that will last maybe a day, minimal (2 of 4) should last more than that, with full (3 of 4) lasting over a week and plentiful (4 of 4) lasting over a month.

    Activities Ground Work Laid I also have the base done for elon activities. Elon activities are recorded actions that your group elons do every hour. Elons will be able to cry at you for attention, search for food, ransack your backpack, and more. The ground work as been laid but there is a lot of data entry and creation to before it's ready for release. This is a feature I am pretty excited about as it will allow you to really get to know your elons and their individual personalities as well as allowing them to take care of themselves a bit.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 6/16/2016 11:12 PM
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  • More Attacks

    Just wanted to let you all know that I have added in some more attacks and adjusted some of the older ones. I still have quite a bit more to add over the next couple weeks as well so expect to see some different ones as you level up.


    Brittany #2 Posted On: 6/13/2016 6:32 PM
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  • Battle Updates

    Made some updates and changes to battling hopefully fixing any glitches people may have been running into. The updates especially affect the ability to refresh without jumping forward/losing your place along with blocking the ability to access the menu when you shouldn't be able to which could cause issues.

    Let me know if you run into any issues. Thanks!

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 5/25/2016 8:53 PM
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  • Added Markings and More Combinations

    A combination is a set of markings, parts, and colors that can be found in the different battle arenas. Previously there were 3 but more have been added along with moving the area the old ones were found in to be more limited. Each of the areas now have their own combinations with more to come. So you may want to visit old areas to check out the new combinations found there.

    I have also added in the belly and socks marking for the Zorvic's content base. If you already have a Zorvic with these markings they may need to be reset in order for these to appear so let me know and I can reset any requested elons.


    Brittany #2 Posted On: 5/18/2016 12:25 AM
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  • Battle Music and Effects

    And two updates in one day!

    You may have noticed some bars above the battle map next to the music and effects on and off options, and if not go ahead and check them out as they are now fully functional. These allow you to adjust the volume of the battle songs and battle sound effects and do so separately. So if you want you can have your music really loud, and the effects quiet, or vice versa.

    If you had your music set previously you will want to increase the volume now, as it will be set to 1 which is probably too quiet to hear.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 5/12/2016 4:11 PM
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  • Liquid Energy and Rewards!

    You now gain energy from liquids such as water, cranberry juice, pineapple juice, and green juice in varying amounts. Head over to Vincent's General Store for a chance to find these items stocking.

    We have also added in our basic reward system for battling. This means the rewards vary for each of the battle arena areas. The system will likely need to be tweaked and more rewards still need to be added but the basic system is in place including the opportunity to find items! Suggestions or recommendations for changing the rewards are welcome.

    And of course if you notice any bugs introduced for either of these features (or notice old ones) feel free to report them so I can update them right away.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 5/12/2016 1:44 PM
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  • Bug Fix

    Corrected a bug that was causing people not to be able to post new threads in any of the forums! Sorry about that guys. You should be able to post now so feel free to comment your ideas and likes or dislikes about the game.

    I've also just been going around doing lots of little updates, updating the stories for each of the shop fronts, and just trying to make things more visually appealing and user friendly.

    And check back at the shops to see some more items stocking than before. Note the Adventurer's Hub now has many more prisms to choice from, one for each elemental type. So keep checking back to get them all!

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 4/29/2016 3:48 PM
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  • Images and News Notice

    Well if you've logged in you likely already noticed the alert that says there's been news posted. So now when I make an update I can share it to the news for everyone to see.

    The other point of interest is that the Explore area has been updated with some images. Some of these will be replaced later, but it's a start. The world map found on the page is the actual world map of Eliyo. It's still a work in progress but the layout and geography is finalized.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 4/22/2016 11:42 AM
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  • Restock and Needs Crons Added

    Non player character shops will now be restocked regularly in Lavinth. Check back if you are wanting a particular item. Your elon needs will now also go down every hour you are active and when you login.

    Needs do not currently have a negative affect other than their mood. But soon if they stay in the red it will affect there relationship towards you and if they are happy with you it will increase there relationship as well as bonus in battling. Nest elons eating from the food bin is not quite added yet either but will be soon. You can go a head and fill it with food for when it is ready.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 4/20/2016 1:40 PM
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  • Latest News!

    Welcome to Eliyo! Eliyo is a browser based pet game currently in development! We are currently in closed Beta. We still have lots of testing and a few updates before we are ready for release, but we are getting closer everyday. Stay tuned!

    testUser3 #26 Posted On: 4/03/2016 2:39 AM
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