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News Page

See the latest game updates from our staff.

  • New Plush Toys at Adlwin's Toy Shop!

    Adlwin has some new Plush designs available now! Over a dozen new ones to pick from. 

    Here is a small sampling to choose from. 

    Wooland Zorvic Plush and Red Fox Plush
    Tan base with dark brown husky and cream belly. It has pointed ears and a curly tail.Modeled after a red fox with an orange base, black socks markings, and a white belly.

     Desert Zorvic Plush and Brown Deer Plush

    Desert zorvic plush with light tan base, tan husky and white belly.Brown deer zorvic with dark brown base and black husky. Also has brown deer spots and striking blue eyes.

    Female Desert Preat Plush and Male Arctic Preat Plush

    Desert Preat plush light tan base tan husky and white belly.Arctic preat plush. White fur with even whiter belly. Dark black eyes stand in striking contrast.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 6/15/2017 1:51 PM
    View Comments: 4
  • Downtime and Upgrade

    I apologize for the downtime earlier. I had to upgrade the site. We run on Laravel and I finally made the upgrade from 4 to 5. Was in the works for a bit and wanted to get it out. But I also had to upgrade the servers php and mysql versions to support 5. Overall I am happy to have this out of the way so I can get back to creating updates for you all. 

    You may also notice your notifications are gone, so check on any subscribed threads you had and your sales logs for any of the updates you may have missed. This was necessarily since the notification system was also upgraded between laravel versions, it's a better system, but not really compatible with the older one and wouldn't have been feasible to transfer the notifications.
    In addition to that I have also made some much needed updates to the battle system. Nothing major, but just wanted to streamline some things and overall make the experience more enjoyable. I'll let you go a head and discover the exact updates for yourselves. Let me know what you think.
    As well, if you notice any weird errors or issues please report them right away. It would be most helpful if you could provided a screen shot and the time when it happened (so I can check logs). If for some reason you aren't able to contact me on here (maybe that's the error) then please send an email directly to
    Thank you!
    Brittany #2 Posted On: 6/12/2017 4:45 AM
    View Comments: 3
  • Ocelot Marking Released!

    New Marking! 

    The ocelot marking is currently available! You can now find them on wild elons or create custom elons with the Ocelot marking. This marking is modaled after the ocelot cat. I love how it turned out, hope you all enjoy it as well. Would love to see some examples below of ones you've caught, created, or bred with the new marking!

    And here are some examples.
    Medium gray elon with blue eyes, white belly, dark gray husky, and black ocelot markings.Medium gray elon with dark husky, white belly, and black ocelot markings in the alert pose.Sleeping baby preat with tan body white deer spots and dark ocelot markings.Happy preat bounding tan with white belly and black ocelot markings.Tan preat in an aggressive fighting stance. Has husky over the dark ocelot in a similar color to the tan base.Gray tan preat with medium ocelot, white belly, and white deer spots.Happy Zorvic with natural ocelot colors. Tan, cream belly, black spots, and green eyes.Sleeping Zorvic with natural ocelot coloring. Tan, cream belly, and black ocelot.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 6/04/2017 7:52 PM
    View Comments: 10
  • Message Updates

    I've made some updates to the private messaging system. Back button functionality should work as expected now. Spaces and line breaks are also preserved when messages are sent. It's a fairly minor update overall but should make messages better overall. You can also use html in your messages, but I haven't added the editor yet so any code will have to be hand typed for now. 

    More updates to come! Hope you enjoy.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 2/15/2017 10:27 PM
    View Comments: 4
  • Two New Markings! Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Hello everyone hope you all have been able to enjoy your Christmas time. I have been able to take a break for a bit and recharge which has been great. And I come baring a new update that I think you will all love. And that is two new markings!

    Patches and merle are now available to find on wild elons and through the custom demo. This should open up a lot more breeding possibilities and I hope you will all enjoy them. Some examples below!

    White Zorvic with redish brown patches and brown merle markings.Gray Preat with black patches and light gray merle.
    Brown Preat with black husky and gray patches overtop.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 12/26/2016 6:06 PM
    View Comments: 6
  • Next Phase and Sale!

    Next Phase for Eliyo - NPC Tournaments
    It's been great having players and I'm glad to see so many people enjoying Eliyo so far, however Eliyo is far from complete. Future goals include multiple elon battles (multiple enemies and multiple user elons), player versus player, and tournaments to name a few. Non player tournaments are the next focus which will give goals and give a reason to level and train your elons! There will be an easier track and a harder one which will require more skill and strategy to win to benefit more casual players as well as harder core players.
    Of course all of these require programming which takes time, but I am pretty excited to get started and working towards these goals and am open to discussion in what direction you the players want to take. 

    Sale Until End of the Month!
    And to help further development, Elytes will be set for sale over the next couple weeks so that any elytes purchased during that time frame will net an additional 15%! Any money spent is appreciated as that's what will allow me to continue to develop this great game for everyone.
    For those that aren't able to put into a game that is okay too. I know what it's like to not have money to spend and sometimes not even enough for the basics and I want Eliyo to be a place where everyone can have fun and enjoy the game without having to spend on it. 
    Anyway like I mentioned to begin with tournaments are the next feature planned so feel free to discuss it below your ideas or to ask any questions below as I go into the planning phases. 
    Brittany #2 Posted On: 11/15/2016 12:36 PM
    View Comments: 9
  • Halloween Plushies

    New plushies can be found in Adlwin's toy shop in town! There a couple elyte only options to help support the game, but most of them are for sale for coins. All will only be available for a limited time however, so get them while you can! Some more wooden flutes have been added as well, so keep an eye for them as well but they are available more long term.


    Brittany #2 Posted On: 11/07/2016 1:41 PM
    View Comments: 2
  • Happy Halloween

    Happy Halloween everyone. I hope you all have a fun and safe time. For those who have or are getting candy door to door always remember to check it for any holes or tampering. Stay safe!

    For those who prefer a more in door experience or just want to do something fun check out munchies a mini game I created a bit ago for a contest on virtual pet list. 
    Munchies Minigame

    It's all browser based so any progress will be lost on refresh. Enjoy the plushies and check back soon as most will be added to Eliyo for a limited time!

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 10/31/2016 10:26 AM
    View Comments: 3
  • Customize the Layout!

    You can now add your own custom css to be loaded on all the pages to make the layout how you want. You can change the color or whatever you want really. This code is only seen by you, so there are no limitations to it except your own ability. 

    To change go to your settings on the side bar, then under the layout section there is a new block for custom css. So put your css right in there. You'll need to refresh the page to actually see changes you make since updating doesn't refresh it.
    The settings page

    To change the layout based on the time cycle you can use the class day or night which is attached to the body tag.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 10/27/2016 1:12 PM
    View Comments: 4
  • HTML Enabled on Eliyo!

    Two updates in one day so don't miss the one below!

    You can now use html on the forums, your signature, profile, and elon profiles! You can add links, images, lists, and more to make your posts and profiles more presentable. You can find guides html guides online pretty easily, but to get started you can look over the guide I have for my other game below.

    Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

    Important You are not allowed to use html to try and cover up any content of other players or try to change the layout in anyway.

    If you feel like a tag, attribute, or css property should be enabled that isn't, feel free to ask about it on the suggestions forums. This doesn't guarantee anything, but I am open to discussion.

    Hope you all enjoy! :)

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 10/25/2016 4:14 PM
    View Comments: 7
  • Clayton Now Buys and Sells Elons!

    Clayton will now buy elons from you and sell them to other players, and conversely you can purchase elons from him. His pricing takes a couple factors into account including age, level, and innate ability. Elons sold to Clayton that do not sell after a while (at least 3 weeks) may be released if not sold to other players.

    Visit Clayton


    Brittany #2 Posted On: 10/25/2016 6:35 AM
    View Comments: 5
  • Important! Activities Temporarily Disabled

    So ran into an issue which I am sure many of you did as well on login with erroring. I am looking into the issue more thoroughly now (going through the logs) but have disabled activities on login for now so that any login issues shouldn't be happening anymore. Sorry about that!

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 10/18/2016 9:31 AM
    View Comments: 3
  • Activities and Raspberries

    You may have noticed a link on your elon profile, 'Recent Activities'. This is now functioning as planned. Group elons will do an activity every hour and it will be recorded here. They can do a variety of activities including exploring for items or crying at your for attention! So check out your activity logs to find out what your elons have been up to recently or learn where that random apple came from or what happened to that banana. Raspberries have also been added to the game and to a handful of battle arenas so be on the look out for that! There are black, red, white, yellow, and orange raspberries available. A thanks to our artist @muskratte for the raspberries. 

    Red raspberriesWhite raspberriesYellow raspberriesOrange raspberriesBlack raspberries

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 10/17/2016 6:27 PM
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  • Elon Sales Bug Fix

    There were a couple bugs with elon sales. One with the previous owners elon count not decreasing properly and the other with buying elons that go into your nest and them not being purchased properly.

    If you need your elon count reset OR you need to finish the purchased elon being transferred to me please reply here.

    Note you can view you past purchases by going to Transactions -> Elon Sales if you can't remember. (

    Sorry for the extra hassle and thank you for the help in testing.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 10/10/2016 8:30 PM
    View Comments: 10
  • Public Beta is Now Open!

    Welcome to Eliyo! Public beta has officially started. Remember this is still a beta, so your bound to run into some bugs which can be posted in our bugs thread on the forums. As well if you have any suggestions you can post them in our suggestions thread.

    Brittany #2 Posted On: 10/08/2016 11:16 AM
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